jill@amanimeanspeace.net 970-209-8491

Counseling for Equestrians

Are you a rider that is feeling fear and anxiety about doing what you love?
Are you struggling with your relationship with your horse?
Do you often feel “less than” about your riding ability?
Are you a competitor that’s in a slump and/or experiencing some sort of performance block?
Are you experiencing social anxiety in the horse community, around showing?
Do you wish you could get back to the joy of riding?
Are you a professional needing a confidential sounding board from someone who has been there, done that?

Oh my goodness I would love to help!  I believe that horses can make us better humans. We just have to let them. At a time when conflict is high, harmony low, and narcissism rampant in our culture, we are blessed to have horses in our world. They can stretch us to be more fair, congruent, sensitive, assertive, in tune, grounded, empathetic, and relational. They are harmonizing. They seem to have an almost magical way of showing up how we need them, even if it doesn’t feel like it in the moment. Horses think in pictures, can feel intention, and their language is body.  So often they mirror our emotions and can serve as big biofeedback machines. In short, working with them provides endless opportunities for self -discovery and growth. Yet as pure and seemingly magical as horses can be, the horse world is often terribly complicated emotionally. What often starts out as a genuine love for horses and equestrian sports can just get hard.  There are ways to navigate that hardness and reclaim the joy. I’d like to help you do that. I deeply believe that we can’t ride past who we are, but if we allow them, horses can change who we are. My passion is helping horses help people do better. There are so many ways in which this can be done.

For instance, Brainspotting is an amazing modality to enhance athletic performance and overcome fear and anxiety about riding, showing, competing. Often significant changes can be made in just a few sessions.  Relational Life Therapy, is a form of couples counseling that I do, and it is relevant to all relationship, including those with your horse, coach, vet, students, clients team mates etc. As a mediator I can help you navigate conflict in a myriad of social/professional situations and even help you discover win/ win situations with your horses. I have been involved in the horse community since I was 3 years old. I grew up on the racetrack, rode hunter/jumpers, went to Pony Club, rode polo ponies in South Africa, started colts on a Montana cattle ranch, worked with many of the natural horsemanship folks before they were really a thing, worked and trained in Germany, am an international level dressage rider, USDF Certified Instructor, trainer, coach and lifelong learner. I have worked with at risk youth and veterans doing equine assisted therapy and more. The theme is always the same: I love helping horses make us better people and create peace from the inside out.   I would be so honored to work with you and help develop a program that serves your needs.

Please call for a free 30 minute consultation

“May you be at peace. May your heart remain open. May you awaken to the light of your own true nature. May you be healed. May you be a source of healing for all others.” ~Thich Nhat Hanh